You will Be Deconverted

Friday, May 04, 2007

Rainy Spring=Non Existence of God

Yet another in your face evidence for the non-existence of God is found in the fact that Spring so often is just horrible. I mean it is gray almost everyday, my softball games get canceled, and it is in between warm and cold all the time. If I put a sweater on I am too hot. If I just wear a T-shirt I am too cold. If a good God existed he wouldn't allow such absolutely life and happiness draining weather to ever exist. Therefore God does not exist.


At 2:57 PM, Blogger Dani Kekoa said...

Wait a minute - I thought cold weather in the springtime was a result of global warming? Don't blame God for freezing tempatures - it all Al Gore's fault!

P.S. - Thanks for your comments on my blog.

*Proud to be a stupid fundie.


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