You will Be Deconverted

Friday, October 06, 2006

Argument Against God's Existance 1

Since this is my first post I need to announce that I was "deconverted" a few years ago from the insulting and degrading lies of Christianity. So I am very familiar with dealing with fundies. It is now my goal to "deconvert" as many as possible so that they to may know the freedom I now experience. What follows is an argument against the existance of God.

The problem of personal pain:

This is really pretty simple, there are numerous things that just simply show that God doesn't exist one of which is personal pain this is manifest in numerous ways from sickness to a hairy back. How can a good God exist when I get colds and other maladies which put me in discomfort? Either God likes to put us in pain or He does not exist.

Or more simply I love to go to the beach and have my shirt off. I also love to have women attracted to me. I am now 34 years old and over the years my back has become fairly hairy. If a good God existed then why did He let me get a hairy back? Why did He allow for me to now feel embarassed to remove my shirt in front of women? I can wax my back but that is extremely is clear that a good God does not exist from all of these proofs.

But there is more I am also losing my hair slowly but surely. With that and my hairy back women are less attracted to me. If a good God existed he wouldn't let this happen to me. Also very often when I don't wear sox my feet begin to sweat this often causes my shoes to stink. If a good God existed then why does he allow my feet to get smelly?

From these simple examples it is clear that a good God does not exist.


At 8:35 PM, Blogger Dani Kekoa said...

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At 8:41 PM, Blogger Dani Kekoa said...

Those are pretty weak reasons to be deconverted, don't you think?

You're having a pity party on yourself and blaming God for your own sin, rebellion and shortcomings.

Here's some advice for you:

Buy cold medicine - Take vitamins - Shave your back - Wash your feet - Don't worry, bald guys are sexy - just don't do a come over.

Your failure with women is NOT God's fault!

Answer this => Why SHOULD God do anything good for you when you mock Him and don't even believe He exists?

Furthermore - In the beginning, God created mankind to be perfect and to live forever, without sin and disease, but it was the CHOICE of man to rebel against God - Thus, death and destruction entered into the world.

Take Responsibility for Yourself!

At 9:43 PM, Blogger King of all atheists said...

No I don't think so at all. You don't think that getting colds sucks? I think its rather insensitive of you to say my problems are just a "pity party". Don't worry though I got plenty more where these came from.

At 10:07 PM, Blogger Stardust said...

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At 11:03 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

That was hilarious!
I have to read that again.


At 11:14 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you
That as just as funny through the second time.
I hope you don't mind if I print out a couple of copies of it. One for my refrigerater and another to use as a book marker for my Bible.


At 6:31 AM, Blogger Stardust said...

I now understand the little game you are playing King A, Dani whoever you are. Nice try. If you all are really xians, you are a big part of why I left xianity behind. If you are seriously xians, have fun driving more people away from your pathetic religion. You're doing a great job creating more atheists.

At 11:40 AM, Blogger Dani Kekoa said...

Okay - Okay! Forgive me for being a little slow.

I thought that was way too lame to be real, and Stardust just informed me that you are here mocking atheists - to which you are doing a brilliant job.

I guess it's not too hard considering how utterly FOOLISH they are.

Most atheists are a bunch of numb-nuts so it was easy to believe these weak excuses as we've heard them a hundred times. Thanks for the laugh!

Absolutely Hilarious!

P.S. Dustforbrians - Glad to know we are succeeding in driving you away from being a "xtian"

At 8:55 PM, Blogger King of all atheists said...

No stardust, how do we know YOU are the Fundie in diguise? Your arguments are pretty lame all you do is ad-hom the Xians at least I gave an argument...I think your the fundie in disguise cuz YOUR making atheism look bad...its jerks like you that make me want to reconvert.


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